The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns forced changes in education that many thought were unimaginable. Some may be asking if there were any silver linings to the difficult situation that families and communities had to endure. The answer is a resounding yes. The lockdown of schools showed what leadership and involvement parents are capable of.
The lockdown of schools showed what true American leadership and involved parents are capable of in the face of government overreach and socialist influence.
Keep reading to see how COVID-19 lockdowns have led to an increase in homeschooling trends and what the benefits of homeschooling are.
Changes Caused by the Pandemic
Homeschooling Is the Trend, Not the Alternative
In recent years, many wise parents have chosen to homeschool their children as an alternative to traditional public or private education. However, since the COVID-19 lockdowns began, homeschooling has experienced an explosive surge in popularity, as more and more parents reject the government’s attempts to control their children’s education and teach them ideals that don’t pertain to regular education.
Many parents have cited numerous reasons for choosing to homeschool their children, including concerns about COVID-19 transmission or dissatisfaction with the remote learning options offered by public schools. Additionally, homeschooling allows parents to have more control over their child’s education, free from the influence of the agenda being pushed by government-run schools. It is inspiring to see parents taking an active role in their child’s education and bravely seeking out alternatives to the traditional education system.
Homeschooling Is Easier and More Effective
The question is not why so many parents opt to homeschool their children, but rather, why would any parent subject their child to the agenda-run, conformity of government-run schools?
Homeschooling offers a superior approach to learning, allowing parents to provide a personalized education tailored to their child’s unique strengths and values, as well as their belief system. With no need to contend with the indoctrination of crowded classrooms, children are able to devote themselves wholly to their studies and develop a deep understanding of the world.
A recent study from the National Home Education Research Institute found that homeschooled students overwhelmingly outperform their institutional school peers, with 78% of peer-reviewed studies demonstrating statistically significant academic achievement advantages for homeschooling.
Another benefit of homeschooling is the freedom it provides in scheduling. Parents can choose to teach during their child’s optimal learning times and pace, and even include non-traditional subjects or activities that align with their family’s values. Plus, homeschooling can be done anywhere—whether it’s in the safety of their own home or the great outdoors.
While homeschooling is not for everyone, the pandemic has highlighted the true value of homeschooling and given parents the strength to reject the failed institutional education system.
The Hidden Curriculum Is Now Visible
One of the silver linings of the COVID lockdowns has been the exposure of the hidden curriculum that exists in our schools and has been sullying the minds of our children in government-run schools for far too long. For years, parents have suspected that there were ideas being taught to their children that had no place in the classroom, and now, thanks to remote learning and increased parental involvement, those suspicions have been confirmed.
A recent survey conducted by The New York Times has confirmed what many Americans have known for years: government-run schools are more interested in pushing agendas than teaching students the fundamental skills they need to succeed in life. Parents who identify with conservative views disagree with the fact that schools focus on educating students about social issues rather than teaching the basics, such as reading, writing, and math.
Thanks to the lockdowns and the increased involvement of parents in their children’s education, more people have become aware of implicit bias and have been able to take action to address it. Many have formed parent-led committees and worked with school administrators to ensure that the curriculum being taught is unbiased and appropriate for their children.
Overall, the COVID-19 lockdowns have given parents a new sense of empowerment and the ability to influence the education of their children in ways they consider positive. The exposure of the hidden curriculum has triggered a wave of parental involvement, leading to a collective effort to free our schools from bias and ensure that our children are being taught an education that promotes American exceptionalism and traditional values.
Community Togetherness Has Increased
The pandemic has had some unexpected positive effects, with families spending more time together than ever before. This increase in family time has brought about a renewed sense of spirit and togetherness. According to a recent report from the U.S. Census Bureau, parents and children interacted more during the pandemic than before, with many families participating in activities together such as cooking, making crafts, and playing board games, which helped to strengthen family bonds and foster a sense of unity in these challenging times.
The lockdowns have also forced families to turn to virtual communication as a way to stay connected, but this has also led to a dangerous normalization of online interactions over in-person relationships. Yes, it allowed them to have game and movie nights and even virtual family dinners, but it led to a decrease in social skills and a disconnection from reality. At least we still had a way to connect.
Additionally, the pandemic forced communities to take a closer look at their own neighborhoods and helped them realize the importance of self-reliance. Neighbors and community groups stepped up to help those in need, providing groceries and meals to the elderly, immunocompromised, and less fortunate. This brought the community closer together and reinforced the idea that we must rely on ourselves, our families, and our neighbors in times of crisis.
Final Words
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 lockdowns, we have to acknowledge the silver linings of the positive changes that have emerged. The rise in community togetherness is one such change that highlights the strength and resilience of individuals and communities during these trying times. Furthermore, the increase in homeschooling has empowered parents to take control of their children’s education, resulting in stronger family bonds and a greater sense of belonging within our communities.
Moreover, the COVID-19 lockdowns have exposed the hidden curriculum and obvious biases prevalent in our education system. Thankfully, parents have taken a closer look at the curriculum, and they now have the opportunity to identify and challenge any potential bias or hidden agenda. This leads to a more informed and conscious approach to education.
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